Contemporary Artist | Yin Wang | London


How are you doing?...Take care! - Resin, rice paper, Chinese ink, resin dye ink, 10x10x10 cm, 2024

The resin piece explores the communication barrier between my family and me due to distance and “cultural differences”, which cause frustration, depression, a sense of loneliness, insecurity, and powerlessness. Despite all the convenient communication technologies facilitating our interactions, my family cannot fully understand my life without references in a non-Chinese culture or grasp the person I have become, influenced by a multicultural society. The resin conceals deconstructed Chinese characters, highlighting the problem of broken communication that is represented by the ellipsis in the title. Although I can see clearly the problem but cannot touch and fix, and I choose to stay away from it, leaving it unresolved.

Copyright © 2024 by Yin Wang  All rights reserved.