Contemporary Artist | Yin Wang | London


home  Exhibitions and Events2022 ALTERA

ALTERA group show

16th to 21st June 2022 
Nolia’s Gallery, London

Six artists were asked to respond to the theme of ‘Other’ in the context of contemporary portraiture.

Their answers encompass ideas of the interior self, perhaps feared or longed for, our imaginings of what our loved ones could be in a parallel dream life, our reading of others through the faces they present to us on dating apps, the othering of those with a disabling disease and the solutions that can be offered, and the experience of being the other as a woman in the corporate world.

About My Piece

Title: Touch the Untouchable
Materials: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 120 x 150cm

Description of the work: This painting is a family portrait, illustrating the meaning of the “otherness” to me — an ideal world in which each of my family members is living as the person I wish him/her to be. In this world, my father dedicates his life to a completely different domain from the one in reality, my mother is a successful violinist instead of spending most of her life on family, my brother still plays piano as he does in real life but has a different personality. It’s not a denial of their lives, but other possibilities of how they could have lived in a parallel universe, which might require more courage, determination or might not be perfect either. I hinted the existence of myself in the painting as an indispensable but less prominent role. I also introduced unconventional colours into the painting to imply an unreal world. I collaged photos of my family in the background so that there is a contrast between the illusion and the reality.

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